Sunday, October 30, 2011

Roger Fenton

Roger Fenton, The valley of the shadow of death. Dirt road in ravine scattered with cannonballs. LC-USZC4-9217. One of the most famous photos of the Crimean campaign. This photograph shows what seems to be two horizon lines merging in to one another and with this it leads your eyes to the almost hidden cannon balls that are scattered through out the road. This photograph has a very serious feeling.

George Tice

The simplicity of this photograph called Shaker Interior, Sabbathday Lake, Maine, 1971 by George Tice is beautiful. This photograph to me does not show a particular time period, the door and the object of subject are timeless pieces to me. the lighting of the room is soft. I love how the picture and the bowl are so simple and beautiful at the same time, also how the lines in the photograph lead your eyes through the photograph. 

Paul Strand

The lighting makes this photograph. This photograph by Paul Strand of what appears to be a table (I could stand corrected) it very beautiful the geometric shapes created by light give this photograph a large graphic design feel. The way that the lines all lead into one another make this photograph fun to look at. 

Minor White

This photograph by Minor White, called Lighthouse and Wood, 1970 is a very interesting photograph of a lighthouse and the grain of wood. The light house seems to have been taken at night because of the orb of light that is showing up to the left of the house. The way that the wood grain seems to lead your eye into the rest of the photograph makes you want to look at the photograph for longer. 

Lisette Model

I love old people. This photograph by Lisette Model is a very eye catching photograph. The way that this person is holding their face gives the photograph a grumpy sort of feel to it. The way that the background it not perfectly horizontal to the figure makes me wonder about the way that the photographer was positioned or also where the subject was sitting. 

Arnold Newman

This photograph by Arnold Newman called Key Shop New York, NY 1942 caught my attention because of the large white keys. I think that the keys give off nice geometric space, I enjoy how the white keys seem to break up the tonal range of the whole image. I also enjoy how the windows seem to mirror one another.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sam Haskins

This photograph by Sam Haskins called rocking chair is a great black and white photograph showing movement. I love the blur that the movement of the chair has caused along with the movement of the persons leg. This photograph shows  high contrast and that is also what makes this so interesting for me.

Ernst Haas

This is a photograph by Ernst Haas called Binoculars, Battery Park, NY, 1952. This photograph caught my eye because of the way the binoculars are in a row they make me think of people, and after I thought they looked like people I thought this resembled a family photograph. This fun photograph makes the subject seem interesting and a little on the funny side. 

Ralph Gibson

This photograph by Ralph Gibson shows great lighting. The way that the hand almost glows reaching out of the room. Also it is beautiful how the hand and door are casting a shadow that makes the photograph look like it is glowing. It makes me wonder why the hand is reaching to the outside doorknob from the inside of the room, i feel like if this was not staged that you would see the person or their hand would be on the other side if the door. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Thomas Struth

I choose this photograph by Thomas Struth because of the way the buildings seem to be wrapping themselves around the frame. I also enjoy the way that the doors are going from tall to short to draw your eyes around the photograph. The space at the top of the image where you can visibly see the sky is a very pretty and interesting space. 

Stephen Shore

This photograph by Stephen Shore called Yucatan, Mexico 1990 is overall a moving photograph. my reasons for choosing this photograph are not because I enjoyed it so much it is truly just because of the chicken. I  feel like the poor chicken head in the left hand corner takes away from the rest of the photograph. Because of the chicken being there my eye is drawn strait to it. 

Emmet Gowin

The photograph shown is by Emmet Gowin it is called Edith, Danville, Virginia 1970. This photograph caught my eye because of all the weird occurrences that seem to be happening in the photograph. I enjoy the way that the windows reflect on the floor and how it frames the figure in the center of the room. The dark figure stands leaning against the white bed, because of this the figure stands out.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Walter Whitman

The third photograph in Whitmans collection really grabbed my attention with the subject and the way it was portrayed. The way that the sky and the white stripes look like they are one with each other. It is amazing how vivid the colors are and the intense shadow made by the path of light give off by the sun just makes the photograph worth really looking at.

Jerry N. Uelsmann

This photograph Untitled, 1996 by Uelsmann is amazing. The way that the hands are cupping the clouds  with the boat in the water make it seem like it could be real that this person is really cupping the water in their hands. The black background is a nice touch to the amount of light in the sky and water. The amount of detail in the hands is one of the biggest reasons why i was drawn to tis photograph. 

Tom Baril

This photograph by Tom Baril called Dahlias, 2002 shows light color flowers on a light background. The detail in shadows are intense you can distinctly tell the flowers apart from the background. The detail in the shadows in the center of each flower make the photograph flow. Because of the complex features of the flowers they make this simple photograph interesting and beautiful to look at. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Richard Avedon

This photograph by Richard Avedon called dorothy horan, best known as dovima, with elefants (1955) is a great way to show how elegant elephants can look. When the animal is put in a situation where there are elegant people with them they also look in such a way where they also look elegant. The way that the white skin of the girl and the white sash break up the space and make it more interesting. 

Helen Levitt

The fact is I love old people. This photograph by Helen Levitt has two older men eating watermelon. The way that their height does not exceed the top of the roof. The way that it slopes to the center, also how the red roof slopes into the green one to connect the two visually. The lady in the background in all white makes you look at the back ground and what is in it even though the subjects of the image are so strong. 

Harry Callahan

I love trees, this photograph by Harry Callahan shows trees in snow. The spaces between the trees are so interesting. The pure black trees against the white makes the space very interesting. Even though i dislike how the top of the trees are cut off in the frame, but at the same time I feel like it makes the image more interesting. The way that the trunks of the tree do not go all the way to the bottom and out of the bottom of the frame.